Beginning November 1, 2020 we will start having church int he sanctuary. We have seating designated for up to families up to five (5) people, as well as individuals. Chairs are set out in sets of four (4) in both back rooms and on the side wall.
We ask that you enter the front door (ONLY) and use hand sanitizer as you enter and find your seat.
There will be no congregational singing at least for the first two weeks. The reason is two-fold:
- To keep from touching the hymnals
- If contact is an avenue for transmitting the virus we want to refrain from touching anything that isn’t necessary.
- To stop the “Cloud” of breath, and airborne particles from spreading.
We will still have special singing. We will start the services with instrumental music, prayer, then a few special songs.
- The Piano and Pulpit have a plexi-glass shield.
- This is to stop the airborne particles from reaching the congregation.
We will be receiving Missions offerings and Tithes and Offerings as usual, but will likely be done at the close of the service by bringing it directly to the offering plates.
At the close of the service we will not say “Praise the Lord” but will dismiss in prayer.
Each pew will be dismissed individually and asked to exit the building through the fellowship hall and directly to the parking lot with no gatherings inside. (The restrooms are open if needed).
Please know that these are temporary changes. We are not removing the hymnals, and we are not removing congregational singing.
-Pastor James Burke